Reddys Medicare

Hepatitis is a condition wherein the liver undergoes inflammation. There are various possible causes of hepatitis – viral infection, excessive alcohol consumption and autoimmune response.
There are five types of viral hepatitis – A, B, C, D and E.
Hepatitis A is most commonly transmitted by consumption of water or food contaminated by the feces of someone who’s infected with the same.
Hepatitis B and C is transmitted when a person comes in contact with infected body fluids, or by the use of drugs via injection. It is a chronic condition.
Hepatitis D is transmitted through direct contact with infected blood. It is a rare form of hepatitis that occurs along with Hepatitis B.
Hepatitis E is caused by consumption of water that is contaminated with faecal matter. It is a common occurrence in areas with poor sanitation.
On the recommendation of a doctor, getting a blood test for the diagnosis of hepatitis is very important, since it is a life-threatening condition. For each type of Hepatitis, the testing procedure is usually similar.

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) HAV-IgM Antibody
Sample: Blood
Price: Rs. 650

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Core Antibody IgM
Sample: Blood
Price: Rs. 792

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HbsAg-Screening Surface Antigen
Sample: Blood
Price: Rs. 200

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-Genotyping by Sequencing
Sample: Blood
Price: Rs. 9330

Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) Anti HEV IgG
Sample: Blood
Price: Rs. 2500

Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) Anti HEV IgM
Sample: Blood
Price: Rs. 1250


Alcohol and Smoking Profile

  • Sample : Blood/Urine

Kidney Function Test

  • Sample : Blood

Liver Function Test

  • Sample : Blood