Reddys Medicare

As the name suggests, alcoholism implies a dependency on alcohol. It is a condition wherein an individual drinks so much alcohol that his body eventually gets addicted to it, needing it simply to function daily. There is no specific cause for alcohol abuse, drinking too much of it eventually causes certain chemical changes in your brain, associating the drinking with a pleasurable feeling. Research does indicate that individuals with low self-esteem or confidence tend to get more attracted to such aggressive drinking. Similarly, people going through too much stress or associating with people who tend to drink regularly have higher chances of suffering from alcohol use disorder. Certain symptoms that indicate increased alcohol dependency include drinking alone, getting agitated or violent when asked about their drinking habits, neglecting social life and even personal hygiene for the sake of drinking, not eating properly, and so on. If you suspect that you might be having a problem with alcohol consumption, there are multiple tests that you can get done to get a diagnosis of alcoholism. Once the issue is identified, you can consult your doctor about the possible course of treatment to deal with alcoholism. Most tests for alcoholism require a blood sample that will be collected by a trained and experienced technician. The sample will be sent to a laboratory for testing and the results will be made available in a day. 



Alcohol and Smoking Profile

  • Sample : Blood/Urine

Kidney Function Test

  • Sample : Blood

Liver Function Test

  • Sample : Blood

Lipid Profile Test

  • Sample : Blood

Cholesterol/HDL Ratio

  • Sample : Blood

Vitamin B12 Test

  • Sample : Blood

HDL Test

  • Sample : Blood

LDL Test

  • Sample : Blood


  • Sample : Blood

Complete Hemogram

  • Sample : Blood